Bioactive Ti-6Al-4V implants for bone tissue engineering |
Paper ID : 1597-ICNS |
Authors |
Zeinab Erfani Gahrouei *, matineh atrian, mohammad ali naderi NANO-TARACOATINGS company, Isfahan, Iran |
Abstract |
One of the most well-known metallic biomaterials used in orthopedic and dental applications is titanium (Ti) and its alloys, which are superior to other biomaterials due to their biocompatibility and strength-to-weight ratio. On the other hand, corrosion susceptibility and poor tribological properties can be mentioned as the drawbacks of Ti implants. The nHA-TiO2 coating (nano-sized hydroxyapatite-titanium dioxide) has been successfully developed with the aid of ECC™ process by biomaterial research group of NANO-TARACOATINGS Company. This technology used for increasing the biocompatibility of Ti–6Al–4V alloy, which is a great candidate for bone tissue engineering. In this work, corrosion properties of the coated samples were determined via Tafel polarization test. Moreover, the bioactivity and contact angle of the implants were investigated. The results showed that the nHA-TiO2 coated implants were resistant to corrosion -with passive current density of about 500 nA. The contact angle of the coated implants was indicated to be about 23°, which showed the hydrophilicity of the coated implants for bone formation. These bioactive implants seemed to be great choices for a wide range of application such as dental implants, joint replacements, trauma implants, spinal implants, etc. |
Keywords |
Ti-6Al-4V implant, nHA-TiO2, ECC™ process, bone tissue engineering |
Status: Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation) |