Silicon Nano Structures for the Photovoltaic applications |
Paper ID : 1458-ICNS |
Authors |
Mojde Moqbeli Qaraee *1, Mahdieh Mehran2 1Department of electrical engineering, Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman, Kerman, Iran 2Department of Electrical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran. |
Abstract |
Nano textures of the silicon substrate have been proposed as the promising antireflection structures in the solar cells. In this paper, we have surveyed how the nano textured silicon substrates affect the light adsorption of the solar cells compared to the flat substrates. For it, we have simulated different nano textures of the silicon substrate such as, nano-pyramids and nanowires on the micro/nano-pyramids and study the optical behaviour of these substrates from the light adsorption point of view. FDTD simulations have been employed in order to analyse the optical characteristics of these substrates. Plane-wave with the wavelength in the range of 300 nm to 1100 nm is used as the radiation source. We observe increasing height of the pyramids improves the light adsorption of the substrate until a critical length, then starts to decrease. After that, we add nanowires to the best and worst pyramids in the light adsorption that considerably reduces the light reflection from these pyramids. |
Keywords |
Nanowire, nano-pyramid, silicon, solar cell, reflection, FDTD. |
Status: Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation) |