Nanofibrous scaffolds for tissue regeneration
Paper ID : 1372-ICNS
Zahra Esmaeili *
Department of Medical Nanotechnology, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran
The structural features of tissue scaffolds must be engineered to tune cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. In fact, the scaffold support cells and acts as an extracellular matrix, therefore Nano fibrous scaffolds have gained lots of interest in the past decades for their applications in tissue engineering. The size of these scaffolds are comparable to collagen fibers in extra cellular matrix (ECM) and also they can be tuned to engineer the pore structure for cell migration promotion. Using ceramic components is also another approach to enhance the cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. Delivering of biologically active molecules such as growth and differentiation factors for regulating cell behavior can also be done using nanoparticles in the composite structure. Since the characteristics of the scaffold’s morphology influence the type of tissue formation then Different methods have been developed for scaffold construction. in this paper, the implemented methods for fabrication of Nano fibrous scaffolds and their applications in tissue engineering is studied.
Nanofibrous; Scaffold; Tissue engineering; regenerative medicine
Status: Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation)