Numerical study of comparison the efficiency of a tube bundle with variety nanofluids
Paper ID : 1353-ICNS
mohammad - mokhtari *1, mahdi - sahebi2
1School of mechanicical Engeeniering, Univercity of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2School of Mechanical Engineering , Qom university of Technology, Qom, Iran
In this paper, the problem of increasing the heat transfer by nanofluid and comparing the types of nanofluid in heat exchangers, which are in the form of a tube bundle with a staggered arrangement, have been investigated. The numerical investigation has been used to solve the equations of the problem. The flow is considered to be turbulence. aluminum oxide, titanium oxide, copper oxide and copper nanoparticles dispersed in water base fluid and aluminum oxide, titanium oxide and copper nanoparticles dispersed in ethylene glycol base fluid were compared. The heat transfer will be increased by adding nanoparticles to the base fluid. In the cases with water base fluid, the Cu-water nanofluid has the highest heat transfer rate compared to the rest of the nanofluids, but the Al2O3-water nanofluid has the highest thermal efficiency. Also, the Al2O3-nanofluid has the highest heat transfer rate and thermal performance in nanofluids with ethylene glycol base fluid
Nanofluid; Tube Bandle; Heat Transfer; Thermal Efficiency; Turbulent
Status: Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation)