Influence of piezoelectric actuator on stability of nano/micromechanical device via Casimir force |
Paper ID : 1322-ICNS |
Authors |
Fatemeh Tajik *1, Amir Ali Masoudi1, George Palasantzas2 1Department of Physics, Alzahra University, Tehran 1993891167, Iran 2Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands |
Abstract |
Here, we investigate dynamical actuation of a microswitch under the influence of the Casimir force via a piezoelectric actuator. In fact, we have considered the effect of optical properties on the stable operation of the microswitch for both good (e.g. metals) and poor conductors via a piezoelectric actuator. Indeed, gold (Au) has been chosen as a good conductor which is widely used for Casimir force measurements, and highly doped conductive silicon carbide (SiC) has been considered as a poor conductor which is a promising material for device operating under harsh environments. It is also supposed that the microswitches are frictionless and autonomous. Using bifurcation and pull-in diagrams, it has been shown that there is significant dependence of the performance of the microswitches on the in-plane extension in the piezoelectric actuator, due to applied voltage. The latter can preserve stability or lead to instability and stiction in both microswitches made from Au and SiC. |
Keywords |
piezoelectric actuator; micro (nano) mechanical device; optical properties; Casimir force. |
Status: Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation) |