Highly efficient and rapid 4-nitrophenol reduction powered by starch-based bio-nanocomposite
Paper ID : 1298-ICNS
Firooze Dadkhah *1, Mohammad Dinari2
1Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
2Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
Anthropogenic activities release huge quantity of nitroaromatic compounds in the environment. In the present report, a facile and green method was employed to fabricate highly efficient nanocatalysts to turn toxic 4-nitrophenol to more environmentally friendly aminophenol. The novel Fe3O4/Ag@Ca–Al LDH hybrid (MAL hybrid) was synthesized by magnetite and Ag nanoparticles supported on layer double hydroxide (LDH) through electrostatic adsorption and the bio-nanocomposite of this hybrid and starch was assembled via an in situ growth method. The thermal behaviour, structure, morphology and size distribution of MAL hybrid and Fe3O4/Ag@Ca−Al LDH@starch bio-nanocomposite (MALS-BNC) was characterized by IR-FT, TGA, X-ray diffractometry, FE-SEM and TEM analysis. TGA revealed that starch increased the thermal resistance of hybrid. The FALS-BNC TEM images showed nanoparticles with a size of ∼5nm and homogeneous distribution of hybrid within biopolymer. The reduction reaction of 4-nitrophenol in the presence of these catalysts indicated that both of them have high catalytic activity due to their large numbers of hydroxyl groups as capping agent. Also, nanocatalysts were recovered without difficulty and reused (up to 5 cycles) after completion of the reduction reaction.
Magnetite layered double hydroxide; Ag nanoparticles; Starch; Bio-nanocomposite; 4-Nitrophenol reduction
Status: Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation)