Investigation of type of modulator on the crystallinity of Metal-organic frames Uio-66
Paper ID : 1164-ICNS
Hossein Daneshgar *
Department of Chemistry and Petroleum Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
Today, metal-organic frameworks are important as an important class of nanostructures. During the last decade, UiO-66 as a member of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) has attracted great attention [1-5].Crystallization is considered as an important indicator of MOF formation. Good crystallinity and defects in MOF can be related to different parameters during the post-synthetic procedure. In this report, a systematic review of the effect of different types and amounts of different monocarboxylic acids as a modulator on UiO-66 synthesis was performed, and the results showed that high product crystallization was achieved using butyric acid. The results also showed that the total yield was affected by the crystallinity values. The PXRD patterns of the MOFs synthesized in this work are measured by adding an internal standard that must have high crystallinity without overlapping peaks with the maternal MOF. The validity of this method was verified by the use of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). [2] The results indicate a significant correlation between product crystallinity and pKa modulatory acids. In addition, the statistical method was used to discover better insight into the effect of the modulator on the final crystallinity and showed that although the acid constant of a modulator is one of the parameters of the crystallinity values, it is not the key parameter.
Metal-Organic Framework (MOF), UiO-66 Crystallinity, Modulator
Status: Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation)