Influence of Al Thickness on Reflectivity and Magneto-Optical Kerr Rotation of Graphene/SiC/Al Structure in Terahertz region
Paper ID : 1127-ICNS
Reza Abdi-Ghaleh *, Amir Madani, Sabra Moradi
Department of Laser and Optical Engineering, University of Bonab, Bonab, 5551761167, Iran
In this work, the influence of Al layer thickness on the reflectivity and Kerr rotation of Graphene/SiC/Al structure under an external static magnetic field are theoretically studied using 4 by 4 transfer matrix method. It is found that high Kerr rotation angles associated with the resonance conditions of reflectivity are produced. The peak values of reflectivity spectrum are shifted toward higher incident electromagnetic wave photon energies. Also, the behaviour of reflectivity and Kerr rotation by tuning the external magnetic field strength are studied.

(In this work, the influence of Al layer thickness on the reflectivity and Kerr rotation of Graphene/SiC/Al structure under an external static magnetic field are theoretically studied using 4 by 4 transfer matrix method. It is found that high Kerr rotation angles associated with the resonance conditions of reflectivity are produced. The peak values of reflectivity spectrum are shifted toward higher incident electromagnetic wave photon energies. Also, the behaviour of reflectivity and Kerr rotation by tuning the external magnetic field strength are studied.)
Graphene; Kerr rotation; reflectivity; magnetic field; Aluminium.
Status: Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation)