Effect of Nano-fumed Silica on the Flammability and Burning Behavior of Polymer Based-Intumescent Coating
Paper ID : 1095-ICNS
Saman Jafari Dovom Niasar, ahmad reza bahramian *
Polymer Engineering Department, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
This study is attempted to systematically assess the influence of Nano-Fumed Silica (NFS) particles on thermal stability of Intumescent coating Flame Retardant (IFR). This type of coatings is intensely utilized as a flame protecting material in metallic structures of industrial buildings, especially petrochemical plants. Thermal stability analysis was analysed using Bunsen burner burning test, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). It was observed, utilizing Bunsen burner burning test that the thermal stability of steel substrate comprising low amounts of NFS particles was increased, observing a decrease amount of about 1000℃ in 60 seconds, comparing to neat formulation. Residual char morphological structure was analyzed using SEM, illustrating that silica particles generate more homogenous and compact char, which in fact, imposed further restrictions upon thermal diffusion and flame-escalating gases, e.g. oxygen. FTIR results demonstrated that a physical glassy shield is generated as a barrier, which played the role as an efficient heat transfer prevention.
Nano-Fumed Silica; Intumescent Coating; Flame Retardant Coating; Thermal Stability
Status: Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation)