Synthesis and characterization of 2-dimensional allotrope of silicon for lithium-ion battery anode
Paper ID : 1053-ICNS
Mansoureh Nematzadeh *
Fabrication device's laboratory, semiconductor's academy, material and energy research centre, karaj, Albert.
2-dimensional allotropes of silicon or silicon nanosheets are useful in fabrication of photocatalysis and electrodes of electrochemical devices because of their high specific surface area [1]. The specific morphology of this 2-dimensional structure has become a good candidate for the lithium-ion battery anode due to the proper pathways for lithium-ion insert / extract and volume strain control because of charge and discharge. synthesis of such structure with low oxidation and low impurity is a big challenge [2]. Here we used molten- salt method to synthesis nanosheets. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) of nanosheets demonstrated uniform size and shape like stacked papers. For elemental analysis of the samples, we used the Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) of the scanning electron microscope that demonstrated %13 oxidation without any impurities. Also charge and discharge capacity synthesised sample gained 933.65 mAh/g and 311.11 mAh/g in the first cycle with %82.81 average of coulombic efficiency.
Nanosheets; Lithium-ion Battery; Capacity.
Status: Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation)